Fire Alarm Maintenance for Business Owners

As a business owner you are responsibly by law to meet your fire safety requirements. However, even though you may think you have a fire detection and alarm system already in place, it is of absolutely zero use if it is faulty and not in working order.

Your fire alarm system and fire detection equipment should be regularly maintained in accordance with BS5839. That is why for your own peace of mind you should make sure you have a trusted local fire safety company booked to look after your fire safety equipment and meet with your compliance obligations.

Regular testing, servicing and ongoing maintenance of your fire alarm system is the best way to ensure that you are covering the whole of your premises and are not in breech of any current fire safety regulations. You will also have great peace of mind that should you experience a fire emergency, your on-site employees will be alerted in plenty of time to make a safe evacuation.

Fire alarm system check

Many business owners move and take over a new premises to operate from as their business grows and expands. Quite often a new business premises will already be fitted with a functioning fire alarm system. However, you must make sure that what fire protection that is already in place is completely suitable to meet your needs.

The previous occupiers of a building may have been running a relatively low-risk operation where there was minimal chances of fire breaking out. This means that the fire alarm system that was installed for that business may not be adequate to cover your business if you are involved in a different business sector that carries more fire risks.

Legal requirement

As you are required by law to have adequate fire safety equipment installed on your premises, it would be sensible to hire in a trusted local fire safety company with expert technicians that can carry out a thorough inspection of your fire safety equipment.

Having a thorough inspection and a fire safety risk assessment done as you begin to use your new building, and making all the necessary repairs, replacements and upgrades needed, will mean that you are protecting the lives and day to day safety of your on-site staff.

Because fire alarm maintenance is a legal requirement, failing to do so can mean that your insurance cover provider may not pay out in part or in full should you need to make a claim. In fact, many business insurance brokers will offer you a better deal for your insurance policy if you can show them that you have up to date and comprehensive fire protection equipment installed. Showing a regular fire safety maintenance record can also reassure insurance companies that you are fully compliant with current regulations and pose less of an insurance risk.

Peace of mind

Having an ongoing regular fire alarm and fire safety equipment maintenance agreement in place will also mean that you will remain in compliance with any new changes to fire safety regulations or legislation. Your service provider will also be able to come out and fix your alarm system should you experience a breakdown or a failure due to accidental damage.

There is nothing that can give a business owner greater peace of mind than knowing their business and employees are protected from the risk of fire. Regular maintenance means that you can rest assured that your fire alarm equipment will work exactly when you need it the most.